Mixer channels COMPACT VIEW with HIDE function
under review
Julien Jolly
My mixer and AudioUnit screen is a MESS. Once configured, it's sometimes hard to navigate quickly to what you need, especially, for exemple, if you use a lot of midiFX or audio buses. Loopy Pro should have a COMPACT VIEW with the ability to HIDE the buses you don't want to see once configured (this idea was inspired by a similar feature in Drambo).
I made some mockups to illustrate this:
- As you can see in picture 1, I have a lot of midiFX, so it's hard to focus on others things I want to tweak. But I could use the button in the top right corner to enable the compact view.
- When the COMPACT VIEW is activated, it shows only the buses I want to see (image 2).
- How? When I click on the title of a bus, I can HIDE or SHOW it in the compact view (see image 3).
And did you see this duplicate function ?! ;-)
- Additionally, in the system preferences, there could be some options to automatically hide certain types of buses or some others elements in the compact view (image 4).
virus 1980
On the upcoming version 2 you will be able to hide whatever channel you want,i am currently on the beta and the option to hide mixer channels has been implemented.
Steve Bowman
Yes! I'm still doing a lot of routing in AUM because the mixer view in LP gets crowded so fast. There are many ways this could be implemented. One idea: adapt the groups function for clips to mixer channels and let the user designate which channels are grouped together, give the channel group a name, and make actions to hide/show any group or groups.
Julien Jolly
Steve Bowman Yes I also did a mockup about groups some times ago in this post : https://roadmap.loopypro.com/feature-requests/p/group-mixer-channels-expand-collapse
Collapsable groups and hide channel function would be great
under review