I used to use a software called Mobius looper, an independently developed looper software that ran as a vst inside of Ableton for about a year.
It's very stable and well designed, but it is a looper only. Not even close to the power and flexibility of loopy pro.
The thought of running loopy pro as a vst inside of Ableton, combined with omnisphere, kontakt, and all my dozens of other sample libraries. It's just too exciting.
I love it on the iPad, but on a MacBook it'll open up a whole new universe. Very excited.
Lulz Sec
Yes we need a VST version for windows and mac
Lulz Sec I would guess it will be Mac only
Christopher Armstrong
I’ve been using Loopy Pro on iPad and love it. So much functionality, yet very intuitive to learn and use. So glad a fully functional Mac version is under development. I run my entire vocal and instrument chain set up through my Mac. Having Loopy Pro on board as a VST would really enhance my set up and provide so much more creative capability. I am not an official or experienced app tester but would be glad be part of the testing group!
Jim Arnold
I like to share my Ipad with family, let my kids watch shows on it on long trips... I'd love to run loopy pro on my m2 MacBook Air, so I don't have to be so paranoid about by ipad getting broken. My kids are good, but they are still kids. Hope you get it done soon!
Restream user
Would love to see the MacOsX version, as Ipad can get too hot on stages in summertime and macbook edition would save me stress. please! :)
Restream user yup my iPad shut itself down at an outdoor gig mid-set
Zack Knick
I would love to use a VST version in FL Studio. I bought an Ipad, APC Key 25 and Arturia Minifuse 2 just for Loopy Pro. I love it, but would love it even more if I didn't have to use the extra gear.
Tossing my name into the pot for potential native/vst version testing.
I have done music software testing for Cubase 13, Ableton 12, and handfuls of friends that make M4L stuff. One day Logic will care about my opinions too…
I have a variety of old and new macbooks and ipads.
Loopy user since the beginning, excited to see it evolve.
Willing an ready <3
adam lutz
recently began using Live 12, and would love to be able to natively integrate Loopy Pro into back into my workflow. I miss the intuitive and flexible possibilities of Loopy Pro, it is probably the most user driven platform I have experienced.
Marc Berthoumieux
I think that what will make the OSX version successful is the presentation of as many parameters as possible in the main window to save time for programming (in my case, preparing playbacks for the stage) Loopy pro has a lot of settings and in iOS you spend a lot of time opening windows, menus, you get a little lost, but that's understandable because it's a touch interface and not everything can be displayed. The strength of a computer is that it can display many more parameters, such as TouchOSC, the Affinity suite, Logic Pro, Live Ableton, all DAWs or all photo editing software. For example, the strength of the Affinity suite is to have inspector windows with tabs and unhookable from the main window. If an approach like this is planned, I modestly predict good success for the Mac version :-) Take your time to release it, even if too many people are impatient :-) :-)
Viktor Dahlsten
Yes, yes, yes!
Currently running Loopy Pro from an Ipad as a bunch of insert in an SQ5 for an IEM mix (Drums, Bass, Guitar, Keys, Vox), then sending it all (loops, live instruments, FX) as separate channels to FOH.
The only issue i run into with this setup is that the built in USB in the SQ series has some latency to it. I mean, it works, but it's not optimal.
I've already invested in a Dante card for the desk for other purposes but it would be so awesome to have loopy run natively on a mac with less latency through DVS or a dedicated hardware solution.
Would also be amazing, as i've seen someone suggest, to have the computer be the "brain" and over wifi have an Ipad be the control surface.
Dito on the "looking for testers" post in this forum,
could probably stress test a bunch with this setup.
Fully aware its a work in progress, keep up the good work!
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