under review
Anthony Westbrook
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but what I think you're describing is already a big part of LP. For example, create a slider widget, click on it in editing mode, choose the + next to "Value Change," and then you can choose "Adjust Parameter" under the corresponding thing. So "Color Group Actions" for a color's volume, "Audio Source Actions" if you want to adjust an audio source volume, like a synth, etc..
Thibault Robin
Anthony Westbrook
Hi !
You can’t control the MIXER actually, the audio unit parameter are different thing.
If you find a way to control sends knobs tell me 😉
AJ Kerezy
Thibault Robin Hi, not sure if it's the same thing. On my audio source (input), I have 5 sends to 5 unique Audio Buses (A, B, C. D, E). I have a widget that controls the sends.