Add a condition action that will terminate the following actions execution if met
under review
It appears to me that there are a lot of requests to provide conditional control in different contexts : follow actions, deactivating widgets, holding MIDI messages, etc.
I find that a rather elegant and simple solution to all these use cases would be simply to add a single condition action that, if met, will just not execute the actions that follows. You can then insert it after the mandatory actions to simply prevent a list of actions to be performed, for instance : pressing a button, I always select a given preset, but I only mute the source A if the source B isn't muted. You would have the following sequence : 1 - select preset, 2 - condition source B not muted, 3 - mute source A.
The condition itself could be based on a lot of things : parameter value equals / not equals/ greater than a fixed value (or another paramete value ?), state of a widget or a source, etc. But once you have the basic action you can keep adding more complex conditions as needed, it won't affect the rest of the actions and won't clutter the different menus.
under review