CURRENT STATE: Actions allow a "delay" in execution. But this delay can only be expressed in beats /bars.
There are some /a few actions that allow a "RAMP" time which provides a UI display to set time in MS -> seconds. It is understood that the "RAMP" time is elapsed time from the start of an action to the end of the action - moving a slider. HOWEVER - this same user interface can be incorporated into the "exact point in time" actions.
FEATURE REQUEST: Allow a delay in actions to be set by either beats /bars (already exists) or in ms -> seconds. Reuse the "RAMP" interface or part of it, to help speed time to delivery.
RATIONALE: When a user is not using the metronome or LP clock....this gives them a frame of reference (time in general not tied to any BPMs) to execute an action.
Note that there are other related requests on how to display or indicate or communicate that an action has a delay tied to it.
Thanks again for great software!!!