Allow Loop quantization to also trim backwards to closest cycle point
under review
If you don't have a foot-pedal or a similar device, while playing an instrument, it's hard to stop exactly at or before the end of a cycle, you typically tap stop a little bit after a full cycle has completed.
Currently this requires adjusting the clip aftwards to the actual desired length (when jamming - not having a fixed length set for recording) in certain cases.
For example with a 4/4 rhythm, if you tap stop at 3/4 it stops recording at 4/4 with normal count out quantization (desired), but if you tap stop at 5/4, it currently prolongs to 8/4 (not desired).
There should be an option to also allow it to truncate/round down (here to 4/4 if that is closer than the full next cycle end (8/4))
Exactly what I came here to request, thankyou! Just my 2c: default behaviour would simply be closest cycle (so 3/4 would wait 1/4, and 5/4 would trim down 1/4...). This would mean that if you tap "roughly" on the beat you get the same expected behaviour (whether you're a few ms early or late). But 3 quantization options (closest, backwards, forwards) would be amazing.
under review