Add Reduce Motion Setting - UX/UE
under review
Paul Cine (TPJ)
The wipes, pans, zooms, motion blur, dissolves are giving me a headache and cause motion sickness.
Please add a preference setting similar to ‘reduce motion’ in iOS accessibility settings.
To simply reduce any kind of motion to a simple fade transition.
The more static the user interface the better. Currently Loopy is visually very intense when for example:
- switching pages
- show/hide the mixer
Thank you!
Merged in a post:
UI Effects & Accessibility Options
Paul Cine (TPJ)
Hi there,
First off, I want to say how much I appreciate Loopy Pro—it’s an incredible tool for music-making! I have some feedback regarding the UI effects that I hope you might consider.
The glow, fog, and motion effects (such as LED glow, pan swipes, motion blur, and bouncing animations) seem to go beyond providing helpful visual feedback and, in some cases, might actually reduce clarity. It’s similar to driving at night in fog—rather than enhancing visibility, the added glow and haze can obscure important details, making it harder to navigate.
For example, the amount of movement in a single loop “donut” feels excessive. The bouncing animations don’t add to the usability of a touch interface—when one element already shows progress clearly, additional motion isn’t necessary. Similarly, swipe pan effects and motion blur transitions can make the UI feel less stable rather than more fluid.
Would it be possible to add an option to disable or reduce these effects? A cleaner, more static UI can be especially beneficial for accessibility and muscle memory. If some users enjoy the glow and motion, perhaps making it an optional feature under accessibility settings could be a great solution.
I truly appreciate the work you put into Loopy Pro, and I believe this change could make the experience even better for a wider range of users. Thanks for considering this, and keep up the fantastic work!
P.S. Beardyman approves of this message
Julian Osti
Looking at it again today with fresh eyes, I can confirm that the "glow" on the loops is probably the single biggest factor in making Loopy Pro hard on the eyes.
Julian Osti
100% agree. I just wrote a very similar request. Here’s what I wrote:
I would like the ability to choose a different color scheme, and modify separately both the color of the circles (frames), the wave displays, and lastly to be able to invert the loop state representation (ie: filled in when inactive, versus filled in when active).
I find Loopy hard on the eyes, and prefer the look of say Logic or Launchpad. Both the intensity of the colors, and also the faint "glow" or "aura" the clips have make it a bit harsh to look at for a long time especially when there are a lot of clips on the screen at the time.
For example if you select all clips on a page, it is much easier to look at because you have solid blocks of color rather than alternating areas of high contrast with an added glow that varies depending the waveform of the loop (highly variable).
I second your opinion about the visual distractions and animations.
Merged in a post:
option to turn off the glow all objects have (and also turn off page change animations)
not sure if this has been discussed but id really like the option to turn off the standard glow on everything and also to a lesser degree, the swipe style page change animation. I am a huge fan of the app I just think it would look much better without it. optionally of course, im sure some people prefer it
Yes, if we can at least turn it off, that would be good. On the one hand I really like the minimalistic fade ins/outs, but on the other hand it's just too much for focussing/concentration when performing live.
Paul Cine (TPJ)
To give another example. This shows how much visual movement is actually going on with a single loop.
Visual feedback is great, but in static form. The scale jumping is not needed for visual feedback.
I think the scale/jumping behavior is the 1. component I would love to disable globally.
- The bloom effect. I know it looks nice, but the visual impact of bloom is too intense. It’s literally Fog.
- Disable The ‘flying’ fader for touch accuracy.
This is a great feature but it does not have to fly across the screen.
Please make this a optional setting.
The question here, what is useful and relevant visual feedback.
What is potentially disturbing for sensory perception.
Imagine yourself driving a car. And the traffic signs would show this kind of visual feedback? Including the bloom which usually only happens when it’s foggy outside.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the amount of detail and attention in it.
But I actual think many users will only realize the impact of this behavior when they actually experience it when it’s turned off..
Thank you again.
I get a bit of a headache switching between "open clip details 1" and "open clip details 2". I mean, yeah, it looks pretty cool, and I'd be the first to like to see this feature added if it wasn't there, but imho this "psychedelic" fade-in/out should be able to be turned on and off by the user.
i second that. was gonna request it myself. Very visually impressive but super distracting. page flips make my head hurt.
Paul Cine (TPJ)
beardyman: Exactly, the fx look great. But my ADD brain can’t process this.
I get headaches straight away. And I never have headaches.
When doing any kind of creative/improv/performance stuff the brain is even more in a (hyper) focus / flow state. In this scenario the visual effects will become negative side effects quite easily 😂
beardyman: Fully agree.
virus 1980
yes .this motion effects are not helping.when you have multiple pages.when changing between multiple pages loopy should go directly to the page you want rather than scroling between all the other pages until you reach your desired page.
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